08-14-2024 02:17 PM
Summer is in full swing, and more people are out and about! Whether it’s promoting your upcoming events, showcasing special recipes, or finding new ways to connect with your customers, the community would love to hear what’s working for you!
To help keep those guests coming back, we’ve designed Toast’s Marketing Suite with tools like SMS marketing (new!), email marketing, a customizable loyalty program, gift cards, and more.
But enough about us—what’s your secret to success this season? What strategies have been most effective in driving customer engagement for you? Jump in and share your experiences. Your tips might be exactly what another community member is looking for 👂👩🍳
08-15-2024 01:09 PM
Giving guests a reason to come back! Whether that be a new beer release, a public event, or outstanding service. We are always changing things up to keep out guests engaged and ready for more. Cheers!