Customized reports: Cash Sales + What server declared?
If there is such a report, I can't locate it. Any suggestions? Thanks,C.
If there is such a report, I can't locate it. Any suggestions? Thanks,C.
If you refund a cc tip in the system does it make the server pay it back on their next shift?
When entering open items the price doesn't print on tickets... Also, transfers don't have to be accepted. It's almost like a force transfer. Both of these scare me. Any current fixes or ideas?
Does anyone know if there is a way to tell the managers/supervisors at Toast payroll about a specifically helpful customer care rep?I had a series of questions that I sent to the toast payroll customer support email. The customer support person that ...
Hi everyone!Has anyone found an effective way to archive location groups that are still tied to references? I've already reviewed our item database and confirmed that no items are currently targeted to the group. However, when I attempt to archive th...
Hi I have a question in regards to uber bogo discount that needs to show on the toast receipt. But when I add the item discount on the check manually it adds delivery fee . How can I prevent from charging the delivery fee on the reciept ? Please let ...
Hi there good morning. we both can log into toast but it seems we cant on the payroll side. we had a manager who quit and i can log in under his name but I cant access anything i need to access. did we not set up right?
Is there anywhere to look up items sold for the last year? Seems to only let you do 6 months at a time in the order details report.
We've recently discovered that our online store is not accepting orders via the Toast Local app.The app shows "Not accepting orders at this time".Our regular online store works fine.On the Toast Local app, all of our menus are showing... just unable ...
We require manager approval for Open Items. We need access to see who approved the Open Item, not just the owner of the check that the Open Item appears on. Is there any report showing Open Item approver? I've scoured the reports and can't find such ...
How can I change the settings so that employees can take home cash tips and then there shift review says what is left/owed by the us Example they bring in 50 dollars in cashTips where 75We owe 25 dollars Can I do this with Toast? It's how our last PO...
Is there a report that can audit a single employee:- When they have logged and out?- Items they have ordered?- Voids, Comps approved and by whom?Please help!
I'm administering all employee onboarding, etc. I would love to be able to log in once and only once. However, I'm not greeted with the option to link when logging in. Is there a permission necessary? Is there a place to request this link within ...
How do we run a report for payroll when not using Toast Payroll (we have an accountant)? All the reports I can find do not provide all the necessary details such as total hours for each employee, tips owed, etc
Hi team.We don't use Payroll via Toast, but we do keep wages accurate for other reporting purposes. With the new minimum wage increase in DE, is there a way to update all employees with a specific job? Ie -- anyone who is "training" will update the t...