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Access to a back-end "prep time changes" log?

Salad I

Would anyone else find it incredibly useful to have access to some type of back-end "log" that details what time Prep times where changed throughout the day, from what # of minutes -> to what # of minutes, and for how long each Prep time duration stayed active? 

I know Toast support has access to this type of log (if you're lucky enough to reach the right support person that knows where to find it), but I 1000% think is invaluable data that restaurants need to have access to in order to make informed decisions best for their business and operations. 


Dessert I

Already in the works, maybe don't have access yet? I can see prep time changes and when.


That's exactly what I'm looking for.... can you please tell me where you find this screen view? 

Publish Config V2 I don't know if everyone has it. Look under toast account, publishing.

Yep I have it. Jeez I wish Toast would communicate the release of new features more effectively, I have been asking for this feature for literally 7 years.   Not only do they not communicate new features to us (as clients), but their own support staff doesn't even know about them. I was on the phone with a Toast agent for 40 minutes on Saturday trying to get this information, and he agreed with me that he just wished we had access to see this log ourselves. 

Anyway, thanks for sharing this incredibly valuable information!  I still don't think it shows the whole picture (I can't see when a staff member switched from "Kitchen Capacity" quote strategy to "Manual", which I am CERTAIN they did sometime between 5-6 PM on Friday night), but it at least shows a glimpse of what quotes were changed from and to, which is still helpful.