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I am hoping someone high up in Toast Payroll's technical escalation department will read this and can help.  I'll try to make it as brief as possible even though it has been anything but.

BACKGROUND--We used Toast Payroll for about a year, ending it in February of this year.  Switched to QuickBooks (self-prepared) then now starting up with ADP, who require current year employee information from Toast Payroll before we can onboard.  A little over a month ago we requested access to our (now deactivated) Toast Payroll account, only to learn we had a past-due balance so were denied it until it was paid off.  We asked what the amount was and was told we would hear back.  Never did.  Weeks went by until it became crunch time to activate ADP last week.

CURRENT ISSUE:  On Monday, August 14th, both the President & COO of our company decided to get involved due to the urgency of the next payroll coming up so began doubling up efforts in attempts to get ahold of someone within Toast Payroll who could assist.  Over the next three days (14th-16th), they spoke to several Customer Care Specialists (Renaldo, Karen, Andrew, Allison, just to name a few) all who said an escalation supervisor would be calling back, that the issue was stuck solely within Toast Banking.  None ever did although finally, on Wed the 16th, we were able to discover what we owed, paid it, and sent proof of wire transfer to Toast late morning.  But... still no access and no call back from any supervisor.

By Thur the 17th, William (who should get an award for Toast CSX Specialist of the Year, got involved and started escalating the escalation).  We finally received a call from a supervisor and mentioned to him we still needed access.  At 5:39pm on the 17th, we received an email from Customer Care Advisor II Mary Galis stating we had access.  However, that access did not work.  We have now spent from Thursday afternoon until present trying to communicate back to Mary that not only did the access not work, but attempts to reset our password, via mobile and desktop--even receiving a link from William, have failed.  We spoke with another CSX Specialist, Deb, on Friday who communicated with Mary while we were on the phone, only to first be told by Mary she was "in a meeting" ...then that she "was going to lunch" and would call us back later...but Mary never did (this, even after our weeks long efforts, half dozen escalations, and messages regarding the 9-1-1 urgency so that we could get our team members paid).  It is now Tuesday the 22nd, a full month+ after we began this ordeal, a week since it's escalation, and 5 days since its escalated escalation...and still we have not heard back from Mary Galis and do not have our own information on Toast Payroll.

Yesterday, Mon the 21st, William (who has been an absolute champion through it all) stated that he got his Manager involved (unfortunately he was unable to last week as she was out on an emergency), and that she was "on it"...but couldn't promise she could get to it same day (Monday), that it would likely be today, Tue the 22nd.  **I pondered to William that I shuddered to think of what other items could be ahead of our escalation, having been inexplicably dismissed for nearly a week now**


As a post-script...I have these deep concerns, not only over Toast Payroll in general, but how Toast--one of the largest POS companies in the world and one that touts the best Customer Support of all the brands--could abuse a customer in this way:

1) This is the very worst (best?) example of how technology companies, in the interest of efficiency, have made it virtually impossible--even internally--to effectively communicate and resolve anomalous situations (aka: crises).  Gone are the days of "speaking to a supervisor" and even Levels within Toast themselves have their hands tied having to follow strict, limited SOPs

2) The inability of Toast Banking who not only couldn't even tell us how much we owed, for weeks (likely caught in the same bureaucratic mess that Customer Support is caught in), but at one point, held our entire issue in the balance--with noone other than that department able to move the process forward until they resolved it

3) We all know Toast has been struggling to find Customer Support solutions for years now.  It has been  3 years last May that I sat in on a national Zoom call with the Executive VP of Customer Support recognizing their shortcomings and promising to fix them.  39 months later...still waiting.

4) Mary Galis:  Who has now officially been taken off our Holiday Greeting Card List...I am calling you out, Ms. Galis.  Please let us know in what world you feel it is acceptable to not only, apparently, be the only one who can fix our issue...but then refuse to respond back since the original notification that we "had access" five days ago.  Unacceptable.

5) Toast Payroll vs ADP:  This is just one of many reasons why we have opted to go with ADP over Toast Payroll.  Whereas ADP has only strengthened over the years in staying in their lane (doing what they do best yet only partnering or acquiring additional features  that still stay in that lane of Human Resources), Toast has weakened their brand by going outside of their lane...and trying to be too much to too many.   You (Toast) are not a Payroll company, yet by taking on too much water outside of your POS strength, you are even weakening that which used to be your wheelhouse (as I am sure most of other operators out there have seen this take a step backward in Customer Support over the years).

6) It's sad.  Because, all of my clients I've either had start with Toast or converted them over from Square, Revel, Clover.  I'd gone all in.  A true believer and ambassador, because I got what Toast was trying to do (be an all-in-one POS solution) and was willing to ride the wave with you while you tried.  I'm not so sure now as this incident has the infamous distinction of being the worst customer support experience I have had in my nearly 40 years of restaurant life.


Not applicable

Toast Payroll is AWFUL! Leaving as soon as we can and Toast POS might be next….  Have an urgent tax matter that I’ve yet to receive ANY help on after 2 weeks of reaching out to Toast representatives. Will post my story later so everyone knows just how bad it is (unless you’ve already experience terrible customer service & support)

 Hey @Anonymous, thanks for reaching out, and I apologize for your experience. I have escalated your case to a specialist for further help! 

Robert Anderson, Community Manager