Capturing online payments when the internet isnt working on site
‎06-28-2023 09:09 PM
I am a food truck on location where I dont have reliable internet to run credit cards. Im hoping if the customer pays online before getting to us, the credit card will still go through regardless of our internet signal. Is this true or do I have to be able to capture the card at end of day which requires internet? I dont want to go cash only for a month!
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Daily Closeout
‎06-28-2023 09:18 PM
Online order payments still need to be captured at some point which needs internet, and online orders also require internet to be able to receive so I don't see how that could work. What are you using for internet connection? Cellular? Is their just no service in the area?
‎06-28-2023 09:22 PM
I have a verizon internet source, i have 2 bars on my phone and the modem looks connected but the pos screen still has the banner saying not online. I ordered a booster to see if that will work but I was hoping they could order and then I could capture somehow from my phone not the pos screen. This is the first time we hve run i to this issue as we are normally go to go in our other locations. This one is rural at a camp site in the forest so I have limited options
‎06-28-2023 09:42 PM
Do you know if you are self managed network? You would have a toast router (meraki) if you are not.
‎06-28-2023 09:53 PM
I have a toast router (meraki)