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Soup I
since ‎07-17-2024

User Statistics

  • 5 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 1 Kudos given
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User Activity

I would like to be able to show the guest their itemized receipt and be able to interact with it at the payment level.  Is it possible to make the itemized receipt page (Image 2) interactive?  Or can you have the itemized receipt populate in (Image 3...
I am looking to change the parameters of the search bar.  I have encountered issues with word order and special characters like quotations and accents.  Is it possible to ignore word order and special characters so that the products being searched ap... the training's initial page, I noticed Toast Retail, a collection of 13 items with a picture illustrating a person scanning a wine bottle.  Can someone show me how to learn more about this feature withi...
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