06-20-2023 10:52 AM
Suppose it is June 17th a Saturday around 1 PM, and I want to view my sales summary report spanning Friday June 16, 11 AM till Saturday 4 AM.
If I selected YESTERDAY as the filter, does it filter like this:
June 16th, 11:00 AM -> June 17th, 4:00 AM
or more like
June 16th, 11:00 AM -> June 16th 11:59 PM?
06-20-2023 02:42 PM
@Hexa_Dulce As far as I understand, the filtering process takes place during the entire span of your business day, from its start until 11:59 PM. The 4:00 AM time is for credit card batching.
06-20-2023 03:32 PM
I think you're right - it's the entire business day, but I don't think it's related to 11:59pm. Basically it is 4:00am to 3:59am. There is a graph of hourly sales at the top of the report that appears to show it this way.
06-20-2023 05:51 PM
Everything clears at 4am by default and starts new, so I believe it is 4am to 3:59am, but it is still a 24h period. I think this covers most businesses, but if you have strange hours or are 24h I think you can change the hour this happens with support anywhere between 12am and 7am