01-17-2023 07:56 PM
I want to set up a cash drawer for our lottery/keno sales as we deal with a lot of cash and right now it’s just all sitting on our back bar in a zippered bag. I do not want it to report to our restaurants daily sales or charge sales tax? Since that is all done through the State already. I have been brainstorming the easiest way to set this up so the staff can payout, take payment for, and run a drawer report at the end of their shifts to balance it and it not affect our numbers. Any ideas? I think I’m overthinking this.
01-17-2023 11:20 PM
You can use Dual Cash drawers on one Device. The Second one woould be locked out to (lotter Employee #) That person Can eithe add each sale as a Cash -In to that drawer and a Cash -Out. Or if you want more visibility you can create a seperate menu for lotto and set it a s deferred income and no tax