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Combo meals, mod group, and existing menu group

I have some combo meals on the menu.  I've created a mod group called Combo Beverage Choice, and then chose to use an existing menu group called Beverage as the choices of beverage for the combo.  I want the beverage choice to be required.  


It works great from the POS.  We can pick the combo meal, and are forced to choose a beverage.

HOWEVER, if the mod group is flagged as required, any combo meals that use that mod group go out of stock on the self-ordering kiosk only.  If I flag the mod group as optional/force or optional, the combo meals are shown as back in stock, but the customer is never prompted to choose a beverage.  If I switch the mod group from using the existing menu group to using manually entered mods, then it works fine.  But, I want to use the existing menu group, so I don't have to update the various beverages and prices in 2 places.

I spent more than an hour on the phone with Toast, then they escalated to an expert who emailed that I had to make the mod group optional/force (which DID solve the issue of my combo meals showing as out of stock), but since the customer can't choose a beverage, I've traded one issue for another.

Anyone got any suggestions?  



I have a little bit difficulty understanding the situation here.

But if the options work fine on the pos but options aren't showing up on the kiosk, it could be you have too many layers of modifiers (nested modifier), which will not show as intended to on kiosk and toast takeout app.

Kiosk supports nested modifiers, but only one level, most likely have multiple nested mods. If you could you share a screenshot of the menu hierarchy with the menu group, menu item, and modifiers expanded out to the combo drink choice under advanced properties, that might be helpful.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Tim_Sandor are these issues happening on the POS or is this drink issue only occurring on the Kiosk? If you can provide a screenshot of how its configured on the backend that would help a lot too! 

Robert Anderson, Community Manager

This behavior only happens on the kiosk.

We have a menu group called Combos.  Inside the Combos menu group, there are Items that are our combo meals, including one called Beef hot dog combo.  The Combos menu group has Modifier Groups, including one called Combo beverage choice, and the individual combo meals inherit these Modifier Groups from the parent group.  One of the choices when configuring a Modifier Group is to Use existing menu group (which makes sense to use, since I already have my beverage choices in the Beverages menu group):

Screenshot 2023-06-08 122009.jpg 






This is where the issue arises:  if I config the Modifier Group to be required (after all, what good is a combo meal, without forcing a beverage selection) and to use an existing menu group, the combo shows as out of stock. 

I opened a case with Toast, and their suggestion was to config the Modifier Group as Optional - Force Show (and keep it as using the existing Beverages menu group).  But, when I do that, the customer using the kiosk is not prompted to select a beverage choice.  Again, what good is a combo meal, if the customer doesn't get to choose their beverage. 

The only workaround I could come up with was to config the Modifier Group to use manually created modifiers:

Screenshot 2023-06-08 122336.jpg





This is not a huge deal, but now I have Coke (can) in 2 different places in my menu.  If we replace Coke with Pepsi in the Beverages menu group, and forget to change it in the manually added modifiers in the Combo beverage choice modifier group, customers ordering a combo could order Coke, when have replaced it with Pepsi.  It seems like Toast had the foresight to leverage existing menu groups (like Beverages) for use as Modifier groups - but something somewhere is broken.

Our full menu setup here:

Screenshot 2023-06-08 121305.jpg

Thanks to everyone that has answered and provided feedback so far.