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Combo meals, mod group, and existing menu group

I have some combo meals on the menu.  I've created a mod group called Combo Beverage Choice, and then chose to use an existing menu group called Beverage as the choices of beverage for the combo.  I want the beverage choice to be required.  


It works great from the POS.  We can pick the combo meal, and are forced to choose a beverage.

HOWEVER, if the mod group is flagged as required, any combo meals that use that mod group go out of stock on the self-ordering kiosk only.  If I flag the mod group as optional/force or optional, the combo meals are shown as back in stock, but the customer is never prompted to choose a beverage.  If I switch the mod group from using the existing menu group to using manually entered mods, then it works fine.  But, I want to use the existing menu group, so I don't have to update the various beverages and prices in 2 places.

I spent more than an hour on the phone with Toast, then they escalated to an expert who emailed that I had to make the mod group optional/force (which DID solve the issue of my combo meals showing as out of stock), but since the customer can't choose a beverage, I've traded one issue for another.

Anyone got any suggestions?  



The last screen shot, that is with manually created modifiers right? You are saying the out of stock problem doesn't happen with that? Only when using an existing group?

Correct:  the last screenshot (showing our entire menu) is with manually created modifiers, and when the menu is configured like that, it works great - other than the fact I have to do duplicate work instead of relying on the "use existing menu group as modifier group" function.  If I re-config the modifier group to use an existing menu group, the combos then go out of stock only on the kiosk.

And you said if you use the existing group and set it to optional/force they go back in stock but the customer is not shown the beverage options? Or they are just able to skip it and you don't want that? 

That is also correct: when setting the mod group to optional/force, and using an existing menu group as mods, the kiosk customer is never shown an option to choose a beverage.

Thanks, could we see that last screenshot from advanced properties with a wider view and the beverage group also expanded as well as under show/hide  only 'visible to' checked?