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Deposits delay

Still haven't had Wednesday deposits go through, anyone else? I saw something about a one day delay around Christmas but that was 4 days ago...


yesterday it wasn't showing up under settled deposits or in bank, today it is finally showing in both, I HATE toast's credit card processing and wish they would let us choose our processors. Never had an issue with our old company. 

I mean toast processes through worldpay or chase paymentech. If your talking about 12/27 ifs maybe a few hours delayed because my guess is it settled 5am on Thursday morning …and your on the west coast but you may be processed by an east coast bank(anyone but Wells Fargo), so that’s  8am which is why you may have delays 

I have not experienced any delayed deposit that takes than 7 days from the day of settlement. It usually take 2 ~3 days to see deposits showing on our bank statement. I guess it has something to do with region maybe? We are based in California.