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Feature Request Regarding Order Throttling

Soup III

We frequently use order throttling when we are inundated with orders. The constant challenge we face is remembering to turn it off.

My employees set timers on their personal devices to remind themselves to check the throttle. However, I have noticed numerous instances where the throttle has been inadvertently left on after a rush has subsided because employees forgot about it.

I have a few ideas that can help mitigate the issues mentioned above.

#1 - Popup Notification on the POS Device: Every 15 minutes or so, a popup notification on the POS device could remind employees that the throttle is active.

#2 - Time Limit Option: When an employee sets a throttle, they could have the option to set it to be active for only a specified amount of time (X minutes), after which it would automatically turn off.

#3 - Automatic Throttle Reduction: For instance, if we set a 30-minute throttle due to a sudden surge in orders, the throttle could decrease by 5 minutes every 5 minutes until the wait time returns to normal.

Thank you for considering my request, and I hope it can be forwarded to the relevant teams for review.


Soup III

Hi, anyone see this? 

Hey @T1448L, I have relayed this feature request to my team! 

Robert Anderson, Community Manager
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