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New to Toast, Having trouble splitting our tips

Soup I

We recently switched over to toast and are having trouble understanding the cash drawers and tips outs with the way we pool tips. 

For background, we used pool tips by simply collecting cash tips in a bucket, then look at a report that told us what the credit card tips were and that's how much would be in the tip pool for the day. We would then add everyone's hours worked for the shift to an excel sheet which would complete all the math for us and tell us how much each person would make for the day. We would then hand this to our staff at the end of the night. 

Currently out shift review is asking our staff to claim their cash tips, and then pay us their collected cash transactions, which is ok this is what we want now. However, the system is asking us to pay them their credit card tips out of the drawer. We do not want this. 

We want to collect their cash the were handed for any cash transactions, we want them to hand us their cash tips, we then want to pay them their credit card tips + cash tips after we have divided them. We also want to ensure that are drawers are not messed up because of this. 

For our drawers, every night we would simply count our drawers, check if we are over or under, then remove any extra money from the drawers, then refill our drawers back to status quo. We have specific amounts for the denominations so if we had too little $5s we would bring enough $5s to bring us back to status quo. 

Would love some help on configuring how we need to do our close outs and how to view our drawers so we know we are doing things correctly. 


Dessert I

You would probably want to change your tip out settings under UI options to 'pay out through payroll' rather than at the end of the night so they will not be prompted to collect non-cash tips during shift review, 

Could you clarify on the issue you are having with drawers? Are you saying you leave your starting balance in the same drawer and do not put in another drawer that already has the starting balance in it?

Where would I check their credit card tips and claimed cash tips? If I do that, that information will not show on the Z report. 

As for the drawer, I actually figured out what we need to do to re-balance them. I am just missing the puzzle of tipping people out and keep track of that. 

I personally have never used it setup that way but I am fairly certain it should still show all tips information in their shift review as well as all the backend reports, hopefully someone else who does tip pooling will chime in, don't want to give you wrong information.