01-14-2023 10:58 PM
We have two kitchens and frequently run into the problem of not being able to properly manage order completion versus order expediting.
Scenario: Sushi kitchen finishes a sushi roll and marks it as complete on a ticket with other items coming from main kitchen indicating that the order has been plated and ready to send to guest. Main kitchen completes a steak dish at the same time and marks the item as complete. On expo KDS there are now two items with green check marks. This causes confusion from not knowing if the item has been sent to guest or if item is ready for pick up by food runner OR if the whole ticket has been fulfilled and has been accidentally ignored.
Solution. Allow an option for two-level fulfillment to include a different check mark color such as yellow (or color of choice) coming from a specific KDS. The yellow check mark would indicate that an item has been produced, but not yet sent to the guest.
05-03-2024 08:04 PM
Bumping this topic because I feel that a year later this would have been implemented..alas. Any updates on such?
07-08-2024 07:47 AM
Desperately still need this to happen.
12-08-2024 09:49 PM
Yeah or they could work on more than a two level fulfillment, I cant understand how a company that is focused on restaurants only totally missed the fact that some and most larger restaurants have multiple kitchens. Especially in pizza full service restaurants. Seems like an easy ask although I've been asking now for over 16 months. There is no synergy with KDS so we have to use paper tickets in one kitchen and KDS in the other. Come on engineers, you can figure this out!! Happy to discuss directly with an engineer but i am done with level 1 and 2 support as its just a waste of time.
12-09-2024 12:40 AM - edited 12-09-2024 12:40 AM
It seems Toast has been making many improvements this year. Hoping more robust KDS and loyalty features will be on the roadmap soon 🤞