01-08-2024 11:07 AM
For those of you with multiple units who use Toast and Compeat, how do you handle the taxes on the Third Party Delivery services? We manually deduct the tax for delivery service sales where they submit the taxes on our behalf. The DSR tax amount pulls the tax amount from Toast, which includes the tax on delivery sales, but since not all of that tax is our responsibility to pay, this liability remains on our books unless we adjust it out. How do you set it up so that that we don't have to manually adjust these out of our tax liability account? Toast can't answer the question. From a reporting standpoint, I know that the marketplace taxes are listed on the sales summary screen in Toast, but there is currently no way to run a report that shows this information for multiple locations. With over 30 locations, it is very inefficient to run the sales summary for each location one at a time. I've already requested a report such as this, but still have not seen anything like this added. Would appreciate any insight that anyone can offer!