09-11-2023 03:35 PM
I am looking into integrating Toast Payroll and Tips Manager into our current system but I cannot seem to find answers to a couple of my questions before I commit. If anyone already has this or knows, please fill me in. Thanks!
1. When the servers complete a shift currently, they collect all of their non-cash and cash tips and get to take them home immediately that same day. If I were to get Tips Manager, would my servers still be able to take their non-cash and cash tips home at the end of every shift after adding to the pool?
2. Does the Tip Manager account for what tips to pool on the shift review before they clock out?
I want my servers to still be able to take home their share of their tips every shift, but the articles are not very specific about whether they can or not. If I were to start implementing the tips manager and payroll, I would hate to find out last minute that my serving staff cannot receive their tips every shift like they have for the last 17 years.... and have to get them via paychecks instead. They would have a meltdown....
Thanks for the help!
09-11-2023 05:37 PM
Hey @AH22, thanks for reaching out with these questions! I will reach out to my team and update you!
09-12-2023 09:56 AM
Hey @AH22, this is what my team had to say!
10-28-2023 04:52 PM
Rob - I had the same question as the poster so this is helpful. So, my question now is, at the end of the week, can we ru a report that showed what we paid them (we pay CC tips nightly) vs what they were supposed to be paid via the pool so we can adjust?
10-28-2023 06:19 PM
1. I’m not sure
2. shift review displays tips owed
3. toast payroll offers a pay card that allows access to a certain % of banked tips.
side note my servers got over it quickly when tips went on checks and my tax situation improved. It’s more common than not these days to pay tips on the check