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Kitchen ticket printing individual tickets

We use a food truck outside the brewery permanently installed as our kitchen.  Because of the elements we print the order tickets automatically behind the bar as well as in the truck.  When I made that change originally we got the full ticket with the customer name behind the bar, and then the kitchen began getting each individual item on it's own ticket.  

Is there a setting somewhere that allows us to get 2 exactly the same tickets behind the bar and in the kitchen? 

This would save a ton of paper.  




Community Ambassador

I am assuming you have two separate prep stations, each with a printer - one for the bar and one at the "kitchen" (food truck). With that setup, if you want both stations to *always* print every ticket (regardless of whether the ticket contains only food, only drinks, or a combination of the two), then just set both printers as expo printers. This is done in Kitchen > Kitchen > Expediter. Check the box for each printer to be an expediter. Then navigate to the Prep Stations page. Don't assign any prep station to a printer, and make sure you check the box for each prep station to send to the expediter.

Also, in Kitchen settings there is a box to print each guest's name in bold at the top of expediter tickets.

If you'd like any guidance on setting it up so that food-only tickets just print to the kitchen, and drink-only tickets just print to the bar, let me know! They wouldn't be expo tickets anymore, but it would help save more paper.

Nick Bunda, Community Ambassador
Anderson's Frozen Custard
Buffalo, NY

Dessert I

Not sure if the individual tickets was intended, but that is a setting under kitchen setup that may have been accidentally turned on.