Toast has become a major frustration for me when dealing with backend issues. As an MLM, I shouldn't have to waste time going through Tier 1 and Tier 2 support when they are unable to resolve my problems. Every time I call, I’m forced to repeat the same process, spending over an hour just to escalate my case to someone who can actually help. And even then, normally just don't and I have to do the work myself when I didn't cause the issue in the first place!
Most recently, my case was closed twice without a resolution. I had to personally follow up, and despite being open for over 10 days, there was no progress. This is a recurring issue—I put in the effort to get things resolved, while my cases are simply closed without action. After undergoing surgery, my case was closed because I didn’t respond within five days. However, had I received an email follow-up, you would have known I was out of the office. To make matters worse, after expressing my frustration, another representative closed my case seemingly because I was upset. Why wouldn’t I be? The issue still wasn’t fixed!
This level of service has been a consistent problem, and it’s unacceptable. Toast’s customer support is by far one of the worst I’ve encountered!
We also utilize MLM at most of our locations. Is there a more direct way to contact a higher service level at the git-go instead of having to wade through the preliminary tiers that don't ever help us but waste our time waiting to be escalated?
Unfortunately, there isn't a more direct way to move to a higher level of service at this time. However, I will relay your feedback to my team, and if they provide any updates, I will be sure to let you know. If you have any cases that require escalated assistance, please provide one of the case numbers below.
I apologize for how your cases have been handled. If you can provide one of the closed cases, I can move your issues to a specialist who should be able to help!
It's already escalated, but only because I've called daily to make that happen.