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Daily Summary Report

Is anyone having issues with their system deciphering from adding money to drawer for server tip outs and having a cash deposit? This is very hard to explain but here goes. When we start off with a certain dollar amount every day in the drawer and pay out servers' cash tips at the end of their shift and the drawer goes into the negative I enter that amount the following morning in the actual deposit and expected deposit. It adds up correctly until there is actually a cash deposit on a day. So for example, daily I'm entering -100.00, -25.00 the next day, -33.00 the next day because the starting drawer isn't big enough to pay server tip outs and have the starting drawer amount. Then one day there is enough and i can pay all server cash tips and it has the starting drawer amount. Then I go to look at the daily summary report for a week or a month and the expected deposit and actual deposit numbers are totally off from what was put into the drawer. When calling toast about this I am told the system cannot decipher the negative and positive numbers. This to me doesn't make sense and is a flaw with their system in programming it to do the correct thing. A bank can do it! If i am entering the negative amount always it calculates correctly. It isn't until i get that one actual positive deposit and it throws the system off. I have realized the people answering the phones don't actually know how to operate this system and are basically reading from a computer screen to solve issues so I figured I would reach out to people who actually use this system on a daily basis for help! 


Can you screen shot an example of a sales summary day where you have a positive drop?
Cash handling with Toast is a bit wonky, and there's specific steps each staff member has to take in order to record the cash.  I'm assuming this has to do with the "cash collected" function in the shift reviews and whether they're completing that or not.