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KDS Green check marks not showing up

I'm testing some items on two station KDS and when they are fulfilled on one station the green check marks are not showing up on the other station.  I can't find a setting for this in the dashboard, to enable or disable.  We have individual item fulfillment enabled. When I use that on the tickets and fulfill one item at a time, some show up with the green checks and others do not.

I thought this was a default setting that happened on any item when it is fullfilled, all other stations that see the ticket should show the items fulfilled.  For example if we have an item that is prepared by the grill station but the saute station also see the item on their check. When the the grill stations bumps the ticket, the green check should show up on the item on the saute station and the expo station.  

Is there a configurable setting for this somewhere?


@upbriananderson Hey! I had trouble with this for a while. There is a setting under Kitchen > printers, tickets, and KDS > ticket screens > you want "Fulfill at each station independently: This requires item fulfillment at each assigned prep station for an item to be considered fulfilled." checked. 

Take a look at this API to help you understand

This will only work if your items and modifiers are routed properly. Personal example: Shrimp Taco gets prepped on Fry and Pizza. Shrimp routes to fry and taco routes to pizza. If Fry bumps the taco, pizza will see the shrimp is ready for them to finish the item, once pizza bumps the item it hits the expo screen as completed.