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Menu: days and hours

Soup II

It would be very helpful if a menu would be possible to choose different times and days.

For example now I had to duplicate the same Menu so I can have it available M-F 11 am to 10 pm and Sundays and Satudays from 2pm to 12 am
In the same way, I would like to have the possibility that a menu is possible to be seen on the Terminals lets say the whole day, meanwhile customers only during certain times of the day.

To sum up, an easier way to manage Menues times of operation




If you have access to the ideas hub beta, there is a submission #166024 that describes what you are looking for, if you can, add your thumbs up to the idea to get better visibility and higher chance of being developed.  Direct Link (if you have access)

Soup I

@MattSole I thought that Copied Menus didnt work that way with linked changes and such, hence why its a copy? -- for example i took "menu"  and made a copy called "menu2" ---    I added an existing item to "menu"/appetizers group..... the item did not show up in the menu2 /appetizers group---   ie anytime you change a menu you have to either edit 3 copies for HH, or archive and recopy the menu.  copying the menus shouldnt even be called a workaround because its just plain a lack of functionality.   a workaround would be to make a new menu and build it-- but its not possible to "add existing menu group'... you can only copy it- ALSO DUMB.

i find it very odd that you can have multiple time options for pricing, but not for menu /item availability OR for Promos--- it requires making double discounts if a happy hour runs different hours on different days--- 

They definitely need to make progress in this area.

There are a few ways to copy a menu there is a "deep copy" and a "shallow copy"

-Shallow Copying a menu component will change the Item Number of the group/item/modifier you're copying, while maintaining the Item Number of all associated components. If you shallow copy a burger to another menu group, the Burger will be new, but the Burger Toppings Modifier group will be the same.

This means that if any changes in name or price are made to one burger, the changes will not affect the other burger. However, if any changes are made to the toppings, the changes will be made to all burger toppings.  

Shallow copying is helpful when creating a Happy Hour menu. Simply shallow copy your alcohol groups and utilize menu specific pricing. 

- Deep Copying a menu component will change the Item Number of the group/item/modifier you're copying, as well as all associated menu components. If you deep copy a burger to another menu group, the Burger and all associated modifier groups will be copied into a new Item Number.

This means that if any changes in name or price are made to one component, the changes will not affect any of the newly created components (Both item and modifier groups).

***It is very important to be careful when deep copying, as duplicates of everything will be created. Deep copying is helpful if you're creating a dinner menu that matches your lunch menu where the portions (for Inventory) and prices are all different. 

Adding/Copying Menu Items and Modifiers

Robert Anderson, Community Manager

I thought this POS was supposed to make life easier, why can’t they just allow additional times that a menu is available. Our menu isn’t available all time of the day we have two different food service times and I have to manage it between these times. Very inconvenient!