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Sales Summary Could Be Easily Improved

Soup III

The Sales Summary page has a lot of useful info, but it is also missing some stuff that would be easy to add and improve it a lot. 

  • Gross Sales
    • Not Missing, but too far down the report. Gross Sales, Discounts, and Net Sales should all be at the very top of the report. It is simply too tedious as currently laid out to figure out how exactly Toast arrived at your Net Sales figure. If Gross and Discounts were listed in the same line item area, it would be much clearer. 
  • Labor %
    • This would be super easy to add to the report and would save us having to open an entirely separate report just to look at labor and sales summary together. 
  • Drill Down Into Sales Categories! 
    • PLEASE allow us to click on a sales category and have it link to the actual p-mix for that category! I hate having to go into the Menus section of reports and pull an entire P-Mix report just to get a quick look at what beers sold well any given day. Make those sales categories clickable (drill down-able) for the love of god!

@ToastyToast Just your email, but I already have that; I have let the team know!

Robert Anderson, Community Manager
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