i see i can have a default modifier. and pre modifiers. these do not fight what i am trying to do.I want to be able to select an our Lox 2 Go Box item from POS and have the 4 modifiers items in that item auto populate on screen and on kitchen pr...
better employee food purchase and tracking. i like a separate tracking, report dedicated to employee purchases. We do give discount. i do have a working solution but i have to remember to add a employee name as an item required in discount to get...
I have made a Dine Option Employee "Purchase". The employee rings up their own food order on POS. They must select a Employee Name ('themselves' from a menu list of my employees, required to get discount to work) That will allow them to select t...
i have it so they put in their name now as a required item for discount. thanks. just want to track orders they make before meal break time. and pay at store close better via POS.
I agree. we offer employee meal discounts. But they need to be clocked in to use. A ghost account looses all trackable reports. everyone goes in a general bucket. Employee could sweat heart meals with friends by login into ghost account at POS a...
is anyone using the include tax option? how is it reporting taxes in back office? Central Help section not mention this part. I am just concerned about tax included... leaves me to do the tax report for paying the taxes to the state monthly. ...