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Assigning Revenue Centers to Private Rentals/Consumption Bar Events

Hi there, we frequently rent out our space under the "consumption bar" model, i.e. the private party has to meet a Food & Beverage sales minimum. I'm wondering if there is a way I can assign a revenue center ("Private Rentals") to orders made during these events, so that we can see how much of our revenue comes from normal operating hours and how much comes from Private Rentals.

My working idea is to create a duplicate set of menus that I activate during these events that are assigned to the Private Rentals revenue center, but I'm not sure how to do that - I know I can assign a revenue center to a specific area of the restaurant, a device, or any orders placed online. However, I cannot seem to assign a revenue center to a menu, and therefore to any orders placed via that menu. 

Hmmm...any input is much appreciated.


We do a lot of events which sometimes use  separate menus, but often use our regular menus.  These events can also be at any location within the venue.  This presented a challenge with revenue centers as revenue centers can be tied to specific items/menus, or service areas, or the specific device.  I found two ways to handle this:

1.  Used a designated device (hand held or POS) exclusively for the given event, and set the revenue center on the device before ringing in the event.  The challenge with this is that you need to remember to change it back or it will miss report the next ticket(s) being rung in.

2. Create a separate service area  labeled "Private Rentals", and create how ever many virtual "tables" you might need at any given time.  Set the service area to be assigned to "Private Rentals". In doing this, you can ring in items from any device and it will automatically go to the revenue center.  You can either choose a "table" in the private rentals service area to ring the order, or you can ring on the table that is actually being used and then transfer it to a private rentals table before you close it.  This is the option that has worked best for us as we often have multiple events at the same time.  We ring on the actual table, and use the transer time as an opportunity for the MOD to check the ticket and add appropriate fees and gratuities before closing it.

Ok, I'm following the logic here. However, you would always need to work from the Table Service screen (and within the section assigned to Private Rentals) would never be able to work from the Quick Service or Payment Methods screen. This presents a dilemma for us, as we don't do formal table service but instead have guests approach the bar for service (we have a cocktail bar set-up where guests approach the bar and then mingle out on the floor in a very fluid, dynamic format). We almost EXCLUSIVELY work from the Quick Service or Payment Terminal screens, which is why I was exploring the idea of trying to assign menus to revenue centers. Hmmmm...anyone else have any input? In the meantime Renee, I will definitely consider this as an option, and thank you so very much for your help!!!

We ring in most things through the Quick Service option as well.  With the hierarchy of the way Toast revenue centers are set up, the revenue center for quick service will always defer to the specific devices settings.  That is why I had to create a "Service Area"  which we called Banquets and Special Events.  The revenue center of the service area supersedes the revenue center of a menu or a device.  We ring under quick service, and then just transfer the ticket to a "Table" in that service area before closing it.   We use party numbers to ring in so multiple servers can add to the party, but you can also have individual  staff members ring in if they are the only on entering in for the check.  As long as the check is transferred before closing, the revenue center will change to the one assigned to the service area.  I am attaching a screen shot of what that screen looks like for us.  This area does not exist in the restaurant, but the system does not know this and treats it like a specific table. I named the "tables" Party Number 1 etc so the servers would not get confused, but you can also go into Toast Tab and change the table name to a guest or group name as well.  Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 1.43.54 PM.png

You can also create a BQT/Party Dining Option, that mimics Dine-In, which you can change when you open a check, rather than RVC, which is specific to a table/service area/device.