12-23-2022 01:24 PM
Hey everyone,
Looking for some assistance on how to get my cash drawer connected to my printer. I have done all the reboots, unplugged and replugged. Rest ip address and wifi connection, opened printer drawer and pressed power button 5 times. When I go to open drawer or cash out a payment drawer does not open and says not connected to ip address
Thanks in advanced
12-24-2022 12:59 AM
Not to sound basic but is the device under device settings set up to accept cash payments and select the correct printer
Then on the back end make sure these are set
And make sure the receipt printer is matching the cash drawer
Next under receipt printer options make sure you have the right settings set up
Also make sure your serial number is correct and the IP Address is blank. Toast uses Dynamic IP addresses not static so adding ip addreesses wont help
12-25-2022 11:11 AM
Can you share a picture of your printer connections? Also under printer setup is the printer listed and online?