08-20-2023 08:05 AM
Since the latest update, Toast it timing every ticket according to the online ordering prep time.
We are quick serve and have online ordering, call-in's and dine-in's. Since the update, ALL tickets are automatically given the online time. We need to have separate times for all ticket categories.
For example: the dine-in's have less of a wait since they are right in front of us. The call-in's are given a time on the phone when they call and the online is ready (hopefully) at the time we have set for prep time, including the delay.
All tickets auto-populate with the online order prep time....that is now and is messing up the whole operation. When we try to schedule (as a work around) the "time slots" are full.
Any help would be appreciated.
08-20-2023 12:16 PM
It wasn't recent but there was a change with firing delays that allows you to fire throttled orders immediately or based on the added delay. Maybe that setting got changed? https://central.toasttab.com/s/article/Online-Ordering-Advanced-Settings#firing_delays