01-25-2024 11:44 AM
Hello Community,
Has anyone figured out a way or if there's a setting to not allow a shift review during the employees shift? The staff walk around the entire shift constantly looking at their shift review rather than keeping up on shift work etc.
Any help is appreciated
01-25-2024 12:00 PM
Hey,@bryan9942 , I believe you can remove the permission to view the shift review.
Permissions Reference Guide
3.12 Shift Review
1.12 Shift Review Sales Data
01-25-2024 12:13 PM
Hi Rob,
Thanks for the info, however they still need the permission to do shift reviews just at the end of the shift. Or are you saying that if I took that permission away that they would need a manager code to be able to get their shift review?
01-25-2024 04:07 PM
I tested, it did not stop them from getting to shift review, but removed all sales related information and can only see cash in hand and tips. Screenshot of what they can see below.
01-25-2024 03:26 PM
Yes, they would need a manager code to view the shift review if you remove those permissions from them. I don't have a way to test it, but that's how I understand the material; I would try it with one employee first to make sure. Let me know if it works or not!