01-06-2024 06:20 PM
Hi, is there a way to customize the way the tip option displays on the POS that the customer sees? Would like to enable tipping w/o the customer going through tipping prompts and w/o being compelled to tip. Please advise. Thanks
01-06-2024 07:50 PM
I'm a little confused about what you are trying to achieve, you want them to be able to tip but not be prompted to tip? If that is correct the only thing you can do is disable altogether, or set the default tip option to none, but it will still show on the screen with the signature. Or not use digital receipts altogether and customers can add a tip if they want when signing the slip.
01-06-2024 11:38 PM
Thanks for the reply..basically can Toast be customized to show the display to Tip or None..if they click Tip, then the customer can enter the amount
01-07-2024 12:23 AM
You can't have only two options "tip" or "no tip" shown on screen.
The preset tip options are:
1. No tip
2. preset amount/percentage1
3. preset amount/percentage2
4. preset amount/percentage3
5. custom tip
However, you can set the preset tip dollar amount and percentage to all 0 and it will display as in
No tip, $0/0%, $0/0%, $0/0%, Custom tip
Customers may find it weird when they see it. This is only way to achieve your goal since there is no way to disable the preset amount/percentage (from my understanding).
11-12-2024 08:53 PM
How are you getting the Custom Tip option to display? I cannot figure it out!