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Update employee email and information after backend account is created

Is there a permission or  something that can allow me to update employee emails and information after they have created an account?

We  are enterprise and quite often we need to make , email changes or updates with position changes and its becoming incredible difficulty to do so.

I used to be able to call CS tier 1 and get emails switched now, they all have to escalate a case, archiving doesn't work because there email is still in use its just dead not gone.  I need the email addresses on the users and if they are archived  you cannot re use emails. allow me to either change emails on archived users or give  me back the ability to switch emails around.


Unfortunately, the email address assigned to the archived employee is still technically in use since archiving is not "deleting." To fix you would need to edit the email address first; for example, if you had the email Toasty123@gmail set to an employee and then you archived them. You would still be unable to use the email Toasty123@gmail for a new employee.

You would need to go back, un-archive the employee, and change the email to something different, like Then you would be able to use the email Toasty123@gmail

I hope my explanation made sense! 

Robert Anderson, Community Manager

understood, however, we can't   update the email  at all after an account is created.

If I don't have access to the email itself and cant  reset the password  how should I change it?

is there an api or any way for me to access the information or force reset passwords?


Do you have the old password? You can just login under that account and change it that way.

I found this to be an issue too.  I use Toast Payroll and you need to enter an email address to send them the link to onboard themselves into Toast Payroll.  Somehow, during this process, they are also invited to access our account.  Incredibly frustrating when you have new employees and they now have access to my back end account info and there's nothing to do to change this.  As an owner (I also have an enterprise account), I should be able to remove any employee from having access to my information.  Many calls to support but they are only able to put a bandaid on this some of the time.

Backend access is controlled by permissions, employees should not have any permissions beyond the basic POS access permissions, maybe some manager depending on how you do things, and some should have none at all. You need to review your job roles and make sure employees don't have permission they should not have.