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Job Permissions

Toast REALLY needs to have permissions follow the JOB, NOT the employee! This is one of the MOST frustrating parts of Toast (2nd being they took the option away to disable the search option with the new POS experience, which is causing major issues)!!!


Related to this -- this is a feature request, but I'd love to just change the UI for picking which job you're clocking in for. Rather than a scrolling list which has the first choice selected by default, if the employee has multiple jobs, it should list them with checkboxes without a default selection, forcing them to choose the correct job before clocking in.

So many employees just want to enter their ID and get on the clock quickly that they're not focused on making sure everything is correct. This would help resolve that.

Nick Bunda, Community Ambassador
Anderson's Frozen Custard
Buffalo, NY

Yes, or if there are schedule controls in place, the scheduled job could be auto-selected.

They already have schedule enforcement…and it works well for us. It shows which job they are scheduled for and will not allow them to clock in as a different job other than the job they were scheduled for without a managers permission.

I think the solution I proposed would work well for restaurants who use a schedule integration with schedule enforcement, as well as folks like myself who do not use it.

Nick Bunda, Community Ambassador
Anderson's Frozen Custard
Buffalo, NY

Yes, this is so annoying!  Then they accidentally clock in as "host" but are actually working as a server.