02-10-2024 09:48 PM
Just added a new employee to my system and she's been sent the invite. She tries to log in and since she works for another business that also uses TOAST it tells her she needs a separate pin for each company and a box comes up stating she must fill out her restaurant info before her account can be activated. Her first job is for a restaurant and my business is a bar, not a restaurant. It won't allow me to do anything on my end so can anyone give me some direction here?
02-11-2024 12:35 AM
I remember someone also asked about this awhile back. The quickest and easier way will be contacting Toast Support for a resolution.
02-20-2024 01:14 PM
Hey @ckwant77, the employee has to have a slightly different email at one of the locations. If their email is "employee@gmail.com," then at one location, it has to be different, so "employee1@gmail.com". As was mentioned, reach out to support, and they can help resolve it!
Toast Support - 617) 682-0225