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Payroll Reports

How do we run a report for payroll when not using Toast Payroll (we have an accountant)?  All the reports I can find do not provide all the necessary details such as total hours for each employee, tips owed, etc


We have an independent payroll processor.  We provide them with a .csv file that they import into their processing software.  I use Reports - Employee Performance - Time entry reporting.  If you go under 'Show/hide columns' on the right side, there are a number of column options.  We had a specific .csv export scheme that had been set up using our previous POS system; I am able to access all of the columns in Toast, although I do have to do some cut/paste of columns to get them in the right order.  We do not pay out tips through payroll, so I can't comment to 'tips owed'.  I use the 'Labor Summary' report to proof the payroll.

What format are you looking for to send to your payroll processor?

This report would work well, except it has every entry itemized rather than giving a line with totals for an employee.  Our accountant would have to sort through for each of the 35 employees and then combine all their entries.  I need something that would run a whole pay period with the totals for each employee.

If you are not using Toast Payroll, you might have to use a couple of different reports to find what you are looking for; below are all the Employee related reports. However, what you are describing you need is what Toast Payroll offers.

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The "labor summary" report should do just that, summarize your pay period.  Before switching to Toast Payroll we had Toast with ADP for paychecks.  I would review the Time Entries (Time Entry Reporating), then toggle over to labor summary and down the page just a bit is an export to excel icon. Hope that helps. Reply if you need more details.