06-18-2023 08:07 AM
My guest can order using kiosk, there are certain menu items that are greyed out. I've checked the menu item in back end and to see if it's marked out of stock or quantity is checked, which I really never use. Anyhow I'm at a loss that this only happens on the kiosk and no where else. Any ideas how solve this issue?
06-18-2023 08:21 AM
Most likely there is something with the item its modifiers that is not compatible with kiosk. If you could give some more information about the items and their modifiers that might be helpful. Also take a look here to see what does not work with kiosk https://central.toasttab.com/s/article/Menu-Functionality-and-Digital-Ordering-Platforms
06-18-2023 06:15 PM
Or the modifier options which are required to make a selection are out-of-stock or not visible to kiosk will cause items marked out-of-stock while items can still be available on POS terminal.