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Toast Customer needs an overhaul. Customer service should be about the customer!

Toast has become a major frustration for me when dealing with backend issues. As an MLM, I shouldn't have to waste time going through Tier 1 and Tier 2 support when they are unable to resolve my problems. Every time I call, I’m forced to repeat the same process, spending over an hour just to escalate my case to someone who can actually help. And even then, normally just don't and I have to do the work myself when I didn't cause the issue in the first place!

Most recently, my case was closed twice without a resolution. I had to personally follow up, and despite being open for over 10 days, there was no progress. This is a recurring issue—I put in the effort to get things resolved, while my cases are simply closed without action. After undergoing surgery, my case was closed because I didn’t respond within five days. However, had I received an email follow-up, you would have known I was out of the office. To make matters worse, after expressing my frustration, another representative closed my case seemingly because I was upset. Why wouldn’t I be? The issue still wasn’t fixed!

This level of service has been a consistent problem, and it’s unacceptable. Toast’s customer support is by far one of the worst I’ve encountered!


I'm sorry to hear about the effort it took to escalate the case. I'm happy to assist if necessary; all I would need is the case number.

Robert Anderson, Community Manager
Check out the new support page!

I used to work with both Aldeo and Revel before moving to Toast. I do agree the Toast frond end is pretty simple, sometimes they are helpful. But When I had issues with Revel, they were able to resolve it by the first agent and rarely had to be escalated. I love toast as a product, but feature requests are never even seen. When I signed up with Revel, I had a small feature that was required before I migrate. I'm just 1 store operation, but they delivered in 1 week. I want to see the same agility with Toast