Button Font Size: Toast Go2
‎02-08-2024 11:07 AM
Hi everyone!
Seeking help on how to adjust the button font size. With the switch to the new POS, our item names appear shortened. We have a few items that have similar names, and it's caused a few mistakes. Any help/ideas are appreciated! 🙂
Here is what we already tried:
1. Adjusting menu grid dimensions
2. Adjusting font size on Toast-Go
3. Changing POS names
Egg Harbor Cafe
- Labels:
Toast Go Handheld POS
‎05-16-2024 01:00 PM
Hey everyone!
Wondering if anyone has found a solution aside from using the default menu grid size? Not every one of our locations likes using the default grid size, they would like to be able to use a different grid size with more buttons.
Egg Harbor Cafe
‎05-16-2024 01:07 PM
You can push the display size under settings to small instead of the default, this will get more text visible but all of the UI will be slightly smaller and buttons might be harder to touch.
‎05-16-2024 01:11 PM
Hey! Thanks for the tip, but this was one of the first settings we adjusted, and unfortunately didn't seem to work on the Toast Go 2. These are the instructions we followed, but if you have a different article that you can share that would be great!
Adjust the Font Size on Your POS Device (toasttab.com)
Egg Harbor Cafe
‎05-16-2024 01:40 PM
Not font size, the actual display size, you can go to small and it definitely has an affect. Also I don't know if you utilize the POS name on menu items and modifiers a lot but if you can shorten names for just the POS in some spots it can be helpful, I always did this anyways even before this was an issue so I have less items being truncated now.
‎05-16-2024 01:43 PM
Yes, I oversee our menu build and therefore I have already started shrinking down the names of some of our items so that servers can easily read these names, but I was hoping that Toast would have a better solution. It doesn't really make much sense to be able to adjust the grid size if Toast recommends the default.
Do you have insturctions on how to adjust the display size?
Egg Harbor Cafe