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Combos & Reporting


So, I have a two fold question where I currently have my combos set up as the side and drink are discounted 15% through modifiers in my pos under each main dish item.  The issue I have is the reporting isn't correct since the modifiers still report under the parent's item, and there isn't any way to change it.

I also don't know of a way to do an automatic discount in Toast that will ONLY deduct the 15% off of the side & the drink simultaneously. There is the combo discount option but that only has a fixed dollar amount for it.

So, question 1: Is there any way to get the reporting to show the drinks ordered under the modifier to report to the proper sales category?

Question 2: Has anyone found a working work around for the combo discount? I know the fixed amount method, but want to do it as closely as possible to my way as possible. 


Dessert I

How did you setup the 15% off? Do the prices of sides and drinks vary? Is there a reason you couldn't just equate the 15% to a dollar figure and use the combo discount? Only other thing I can think of is to create a sales category named. Combos or something so you could at least track the sales of combos. 

i put the 15% discount in the modifiers for sides and for drinks. Multiple side options at different price points, and multiple drink options at different price points where I wouldn't be able to price it at one actual price

Ok, so it's 15% off of each? Maybe you could just take the total of the highest priced side and drink and take 30% off that, use that amount to create a combo discount if they order both, advertise it as save $x.xx dollars when you add a side and drink. Just a thought. Other than that I don't see a way to accomplish what you want other than what you already have in place with the lack of sales categories. 

At this time the modifiers function is to "modify" the item it's attached to. We are unable to have this modifier report to a different sales category than the item, even though there is the option to manually set a sales category at the modifier level in advanced properties. 
A long time ago there was a way to get that changed but it is no longer an option, and even with the workaround deployed it messed with other reports so it's not a great workaround, I've only mentioned its existence here in case someone is running that workaround and sees this post.

Robert Anderson, Community Manager
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