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Entering Waste in xtra chef

When I am entering waste in xtrachef it does not give the option for a full receipe- only the prep receipe . If a server drops a plate then this is the receipe from a menu item.  Is there a way to do this that I am not seeing or can we implement the option of tracking waste by recipie as well ? 

Also - as far as I can see with the new waste management in the toast platform-  there is no way to track waste on the back end for managers . My kitchen staff have a spread sheet where they write down the waste and then hand it to me at the end of the week . I want to be able to add that information into the system - just like we have to manage the menu from the back end and not pos. I think it is a great feature for the servers to have if there is a complaint or what not, but food waste happens in the kitchen too.  Any recommendations ? 

Thank you ! 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey, @SFosstaps704 These are the articles that reference food waste. Let me know if you need more help! 

xtraCHEF: Inventory - Waste
Get Started with Food Waste Reduction

Robert Anderson, Community Manager
Check out the new support page!

Good morning - I do . 

Is there a part in the food waste reduciton article that I am missing on how to enter food waste on the back end of the system and not on the pos for toast? 

Community Manager
Community Manager

I'm not sure, but I'll ask my team and provide an update as soon as possible! 

Robert Anderson, Community Manager
Check out the new support page!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey @SFosstaps704, my team confirmed you can only log waste for things on inventory count lists, which can only be invoiced items, products, or prep recipes, not recipes.

Robert Anderson, Community Manager
Check out the new support page!