01-06-2023 02:52 PM
We have a pizza place and make a lot of pizzas, I would like to see something noticeable, like perhaps the background color change on the KDS if there are any changes from the standard pizza in the system. I would love for our kitchen staff to read every ticket and be accurate on pizza making, but sometimes they make mistakes and I think this would help reduce those mistakes.
Let's take for example a supreme pizza, if nothing is changed from the standard on the order nothing changes on the KDS, I think the typical background color is white. But if the customer makes any changes at all to the menu item, like perhaps removing the olives, then the background colors behind the wording make a noticeable change, like to black. When the item is fulfilled at the expeditor, then the black background can convert back to the green color that we see currently.
Is something like this possible or in the works?
01-06-2023 07:55 PM
so a few things i have encountered i have attached articles
KDS ticket and item colors
also https://d2w1ef2ao9g8r9.cloudfront.net/images/Ticket-Color-Guide.pdf
as well as
back end - Kitchen - Printers, tickets, & KDS devices - Kitchen
ticket colors ( by timeframe) and ticket colors by dining options
I hope this helps.
01-07-2023 12:23 PM
Thanks for those links, I don't think these links show what I was discribing. This is the typical color.
I would like to see inverted colors or something similar when there are any changes to the original menu item. Somthing like this:
01-11-2023 06:17 PM
Change the KDS Color
01-12-2023 11:14 AM
@josh I want the system to recognize that there were changes made to a standard menu item, and the system to change the colors so that my kitchen staff can more easily recognize there is a deviation from the original and make fewer mistakes when they cook those items