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Create Order & Pay From POS

It would be great if we could send an Order & Pay portal to a guest by either printing a QR code for them much like the one that comes on the reciept or text them a link by entering their phone number.  This seems simple and would be awesome.  


Staff takes an order at the counter, enters their phone number and swipes their card so they have a pre-authorized card.  Then they get a link to add to the tab via a text so they can continue to add items at their own leizure. 


Thanks for sharing this! I have been begging for a more streamlined hybrid model since we started with Toast three years ago. I'd get transferred around with some promise, then completely denied. Really happy to hear others are wanting the same.

@Sdaniel  - How has this been working for you. Does it require group ordering to be on - this was a requirement in the past - through our guests consistently struggle with group ordering - and we have been left we too many unpaid meals at the end to continue to try it. 

Community Ambassador

To be completely honest, we hardly use the hybrid approach, and that is because we decided to have the Order & Pay QR code directly on the table to ensure every guest is aware of the feature. If we rely on servers to print the QR code, there's the possibility that they may forget to print the QR code. We have "group ordering" on, but when looking at the settings, it does seem as though you can turn that off, so it may be optional now. We did have a few unpaid checks through order & pay, but we have seen the most uptick of unpaid checks when splitting checks became available on mobile QR payment. Currently our struggle is coming up with a bullet proof system of allowing guests to order alcohol through O&P. We've run into an issue of a guest who ordered alcohol using the QR code but had an expired ID. We suggested to Toast that it would be great if it was a requirement for guests to scan their ID when ordering alcohol using O&P. 

Sayra Daniel, Community Ambassador
Egg Harbor Cafe
Mililani, Hawaii

Thanks! We have been 100% OPT since we opened 3 years ago. Well a combination of counter ordering and OPT. Each table has its OPT QR code which about half of our guests love. The idea or hybrid is great as it would help us provide this option for the other half of our guests who start their tabs at a terminal. We are a super casual, beer garden-style environment - though our team is very proactive and consistently engaged with guests, just not in the traditional order taking capacity. 

We saw a lot of unpaid with splitting checks - which is why we shut off group ordering almost immediately and haven't been able to use other iterations of hybrid ordering.  Because we get a lot of large parties that are not necessarily friends or family - no one wants to get stuck with someone else's bill - and for us its not worth the fight with the last standing guest!

While not bulletproof - we constantly card people when delivering alcohol - sometimes multiple times a night - OPT certainly presents challenges on this front - but we it printed on our menu to have your ID ready if under 30 for ordering, most won't read but it works sometimes! Toast told me years ago they couldn't take licenses for one reason or another. I just wish would could mark a tab as "Age Verified" or something to that effect to prevent the multiple asks - we always just try to laugh it off and tell them we have to keep ALE away!

Thank you much for your quick response!