04-02-2023 12:53 PM
I get what toast was trying to do with logging in mobile, letting your devices security (fingerprint or face) log you in "faster" but it's literally now an EXTRA step to login EVERY time.
Why if I authenticate with my fingerprint, do I STILL get the captcha stuff? How dumb is that, I just proved I am not a robot, also it's not integrated into my phones platform so it doesn't of course just populate my authentication then login no, my phone has to ask if its okay every time then loads to a new screen then of course can't forget the Captcha my god no what if the robot's got my face somehow.
Seriously, the webapp isn't great but logging in before was at least somewhat easy. How long do we need to wait till there is a dedicated app for us to check/see toast reports? Square and Lightspeed both have these and they're slick as all get out. Toast could do this if they want but they just continue to not or say "oh we're working on one" bull.
Please, I am begging you, make it faster to login on mobile. Cut the incessant captcha stuff after it's been even an hour. Even my bank in't that bad.
2 weeks ago
I'm trying to have patience to see if there is anything they can do about it. I've got a call scheduled with someone at Toast to chat again. The newest issue I ran into is that I got locked out of toast because I was "sent a code too many times within an hour". In that 1 hour I was sent a code 7 times. Because I needed one for everything I was trying to login to, such as Toast Community, Toast Central, Toasttab. I was trying to keep the one thing that needs to be secure, ToastPayroll which is accessible thru toasttab, by logging out every time I stepped away from the computer. So heads up! Don't login over 7 times in an hour or you get locked out! Not sure how long a few minutes means about being able to try again. I waited about 15 min tried and it rejected me. I then went into an hour meeting, came back and it let me log in.
2 weeks ago
Yes yes yes. That's what I've been saying. Just to get to the toast community, I had to multi factor THREE times. Insanity.
So happy the login appears to be working normally again. THANK YOU TOAST for fixing the horrible multi factor mess.