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What happened to Support Chat on Web?? How do you submit a ticket??

Soup II

Support Chat function has disappeared from Toast Web. All links for support lead to "Chat on the Toast Now APP!" The blue chat button is GONE.

I don't want to have a support chat on my phone when I'm working on the problem on my computer.

I can't even find a way to submit a support ticket, and every time I use the Chat on the App, the bot automatically asks me if I've submitted a ticket. HOW?! WHERE!? I go to Toast Central and I can view previous cases, but I don't see any option to open a new ticket.

Can someone PLEASE help me access support on the web instead of having to pull out my phone?



That is Toast Central. is your restaurant backend, also sometimes called Toast Web. I've included a screenshot of mine. The support chat icon will be in the lower bottom corner.

Robert Anderson, Community Manager
Check out the new support page!

The support chat icon is not on my screen. It does not show up on any Toast website, including Toasttab, Toast Central, Toast Community. The only links to get to support take me to the Toast Central website which tells me to click on the icon that's not there.

Is there any possibility this could be a problem with the website that someone could figure out? Before you ask, yes I've tried on multiple browsers including Chrome.

If there was any other link provided aside from this phantom chat icon... Or just an option to create a ticket WITHOUT a chat session, that would be so helpful.

See screenshots of the bottom of my Toast Web screen and the Help menu which only routes to Toast Central, Videos and Articles, Toast Community (no support ticket or chat option):





I just logged into your account and didn't see the chat option anywhere; the chat function itself isn't broken. I was able to see it on a few other accounts, but I'm not sure why it's gone for yours. Based on the prompt, if it's gone, the next best step is to call support.
You could also ask your question in the community to see if anyone knows the answer. 

I don't see any other options other than calling support. If your chat interaction is broken, you still need to contact support for more help. However, if you would like, I can escalate this issue. They would still reach out to you via phone, I believe, but I can request via email. 

Robert Anderson, Community Manager
Check out the new support page!

I would love for you to escalate this issue. It seems like a problem with the website development. If the team that creates Toast's website can fix this disappearing icon and maybe provide some additional links as failsafes to access chat and create support tickets, that would be super helpful. It is difficult to talk to the chat app on my phone when I'm working on Toast Web on my computer- I'm sure plenty of other customers experience this issue.

I don't have a specific support question I need answered right now, aside from this problem.

Question: when you request to escalate an issue via email, who do you email? 

It's an internal email only people within the company are supposed to use, but since this post, that process has changed, and I no longer email them. However, the new process allows me to escalate issues better!

Robert Anderson, Community Manager
Check out the new support page!