04-02-2023 12:53 PM
I get what toast was trying to do with logging in mobile, letting your devices security (fingerprint or face) log you in "faster" but it's literally now an EXTRA step to login EVERY time.
Why if I authenticate with my fingerprint, do I STILL get the captcha stuff? How dumb is that, I just proved I am not a robot, also it's not integrated into my phones platform so it doesn't of course just populate my authentication then login no, my phone has to ask if its okay every time then loads to a new screen then of course can't forget the Captcha my god no what if the robot's got my face somehow.
Seriously, the webapp isn't great but logging in before was at least somewhat easy. How long do we need to wait till there is a dedicated app for us to check/see toast reports? Square and Lightspeed both have these and they're slick as all get out. Toast could do this if they want but they just continue to not or say "oh we're working on one" bull.
Please, I am begging you, make it faster to login on mobile. Cut the incessant captcha stuff after it's been even an hour. Even my bank in't that bad.
Friday - last edited Friday
It is my understanding (but totally willing to accept that maybe I have it wrong) that if we have financial "access" or "approval" levels, then we can NOT turn off the two factor. If there is a way, please help me. I don't want to have two separate logins (one with financial access and one without) as that defeats the purpose of easy access. If I do that, then I'll be logging in and out of accounts throughout the day! yikes!
Last night again, I had to do it over and over and over. And after I'd already done it a bunch, I had to do THREE more within 30 minutes...one to get onto the community, another when I clicked a link in the community and again to go into Toast to make my correction. I'm losing my mind here! (See attached screenshot showing RIDICULOUS number of multi factors in one night.)
You're totally right. Initially, someone told me that if you DON'T have access to financials you could turn multi-factor off but then later I spoke with another rep that said everyone that has a toasttab login has to have it regardless of access levels. From what I have found out, 2 separate logins will not help, you'll still have to have the multi-factor login. I'm sorry.
You sound exactly like all of my managers, they're pulling out their hair trying to do simple tasks. Please put in customer care cases and try to make Toast aware of your struggles. They really do listen and make changes if there is enough support and logic behind needed changes.
You can definitely turn off multifactor if you make an account that doesn't have any of the required permissions, I have a couple of them setup for basic needs in the office.
2 weeks ago
Gosh, just to participate in this thread, I had to multi factor AGAIN!. THIS SUCKS! Every time my computer sleeps, which it does all day for SECURITY (Yup, can you believe it? I was already doing just fine securing Toast access on my own) I get logged out of Toast and have to multi factor back in. What a waste of time! Check out this screenshot! Somebody at Toast, STOP THE MADNESS!
2 weeks ago
Hey, I’m sorry to hear about the issues you’re experiencing with the back-to-back authentication. I personally haven't dealt with this myself, and it seems that some other community members haven’t encountered this problem either. Perhaps there’s something that can be done to prevent it. Have you reached out to support regarding this? If so, could you please provide me with the case number? I would like to use this as a reference to see if we can find a solution.