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Toast Resouces

Main Course I

Hi As I continue to see more and more issues posted on the community I believe it is necessary to share where to find the resouces, to allow for a more rapid resolution for issues by making you raise the issue through appropriate channels that can help.

The community was created to be a forum to share experienes, and come up with ideas with peers in the industry. Unfortunatley I believe that we are forgetting this and the forum is dangerously close to completely losing site of this and just becoming another suppot channel, and complaint area. 

As someone who generally tries to help whomever I can I beleve this has almost become a dis-service to new customers because its almost easier then using the tools available. Hence more recently I have been posting responses as links to the actual resource with a screenshot showing how to get there. 

Toast Central- Contains a lot of the updated articles and use cases with friendly example, (more article based)

ToastWeb(backend) - Yellow help Icon and videps and training - Generally has everthign pertaining to the page you are on and how to get there,. (ToastWeb Search also includes Toast Central Articles. 

Toast Reporting Guide -  (any report related questions

Toast Docs - This is the holy grail for everything If you want to understand how integrations work read the cookbook, for evrything Toast related I promise the answer is in the plaform guide, if you gain a basic understanding of this I can assure that your calls to support will be easier.

LIsten I know people are going to say well if customer support were better people wouldnt need to come here but remember this. Level 1 Customer support is the entry level and helps to route the call appopriately based on the information you provde them. You need to know what you are having an issue with before you call so you get routed appropriately. I am sure you wouldnt ask your New server how long the prep time is to make the Chicken Soup and how many pounds of chicken they need, just like you wouldnt ask your cook to close out a server. Remember this when calling because they are just trying to get you to a specialized agent, and trust me campoared to the other platforms that field just as many calls the reps do a pretty good job and at least make an effort, versus providing lip servce (call uber eats). Here are the departments on Custoemr SUpport 

Menu & Kitchen Dept -  handles all menu related issues as well as any issues regardign the software or modules on the devices and on toast web,can also help with permissions, employee info, aand anything regarding the order component until you hit send

Money Department - ANything related to accounting issues, credi card payments, Understanding any Cash discrepencies

Integrations SUpport  - Generally works more with integratoins partners directly but anything reagarding data and processing and external that communicates with toast

Hardware & Networking - THey update your devices, load the software, Help with RMA replacements and anythign that has to do with your network after the ISP to when you hit the toast Icon on the device.


Hopefully this is helpful


Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks for taking the time to list this out! We also offer the following:

We have also made some changes to the Toast Central Nav Bar for your convenience (image below)


Robert Anderson, Community Manager
Check out the new support page!